
1. VADS:online resource for visual arts
Something as free and lively as this makes me happy. Find more on the site.
(via weird friends)
2. I recently discovered Sri Threads.
From what I know, it's a textile gallery in NY, specializing in antique Japanese folk textiles.
I've no knowledge on the subject so I learn a lot from their blog.
The 2nd pic above however, is Ralli quilts from Pakistan which I find beautiful as well.


The center of me followed her, but I was left with the shell of me.
Extremely loud and incredibly close

I was so touched by the sign above,
' please protect/take good care of plants and flowers on the Path of Philosophy'
(there's a path in Sakyo-ku, Kyoto), written by a school kid.
There's something so beautiful and liberating about the handwriting and the way children draw.
Sadly as we get older, we tend to lose those qualities.
I've been thinking of art education lately.
Do we consciously or unconsciously try to draw 'better'?
Is learning to draw as precisely as possible really necessary?
I don't agree with the idea that the word 'right or wrong' exists in drawings
or any form of so-called art in general as some people say.



Fleamarket (held on the 25th of every month) at Kitano tenmangu Shrine is
a must-see when visiting Kyoto.
There are also many food vendors so make sure you go hungry!

That's it for Kyoto for now. I need to move on..




p.s. Keibunsha is the most beautiful bookshop I've ever been.
It's got a small gallery and sells hand crafted items and some stationery as well.
(last two photos are inside the bookshop)